The Paleo diet the newest trend in nutrition that is attributed to the food choices made by early people during the ancient Paleolithic era. Thus, it is now called the Paleo diet. They survived through gathering and hunting food. They mostly depended on lean proteins like fish, eggs, fruits and vegetables. Now, it is termed as the healthiest diet because it is the only one that is compatible to human genes.
It was first popularized in the 1970's by Gastroenterologist Walter L. Voegtlin and soon after, many authors, researchers and nutritionists took into consideration these factors in medicine and nutrition. Soon after, it was adapted by various individuals.
Many individuals claim that the Paleo diet is compatible to the human body and genetics. It actually works by normalizing the insulin levels in the body and it will make the body reach optimal health and well-being.
According to leading Paleolithic researchers S. Boyd Eaton, MD, and M. Konner, PhD, the genetic constitution of humans changed very little in the past 400,000 years. This means that the genetic composition of Homo sapiens did not actually change much in that time frame.
In the diet, carbohydrates were dubbed as unhealthy. The Paleo diet isn't about having a low carbohydrate diet; it is in fact eliminating all bad carbohydrates in the diet because when a person is used to eating a high carbohydrates diet, it increases the blood sugar and the hormone insulin.
Subsequently, when these cells are constantly required to receive high levels of glucose, they become insulin resistant. Hence, once the level of glucose is limited and controlled, it will make the cells more insulin sensitive and all the sugar taken in is utilized as energy.
Basically there is a list to follow in what foods are allowed in the Paleo diet. Beef, bison, duck, chicken, eggs, elk, fish, goat, lamb, nitrate free and gluten free deli meats and sausages, organ meats, pork, pheasant, quail, fish, shellfish, turkey, veal, venison and wild boar are all included in the list for protein sources.