More people are choosing bariatric surgery in an effort to control obesity and reduce the chances of developing serious disorders including diabetes and certain types of cancers. While the procedure primarily decreases the amount of food intake, it also has an…
Researchers examined the results of more than 20,000 minimally invasive procedures -- such as fillers, neurotoxins and the use of laser and energy devices with very few complications
For many years, we believe that while type 1 diabetes can be managed, it can never be cured. However, as one diabetes center performs its clinical human trial starting early next year, this idea may no longer hold true, and finally, we may already have the sol…
Do you know that men, especially older ones, are at risk of osteoporosis too? But then, many of them may remain undiagnosed for such health problem for one reason: many still believe that this bone disease affects women only.