An earlier report had been released claiming that there are about 20,000 people in India who are being infected with Dengue fever annually. Now an in depth probe into the issue has revealed that there is potentially 300 times that number of people who are actually affected by the disease.
A study conducted by an integrated group of researchers from the United States and India revealed that there has been almost 6,000,000 cases of Dengue fever diagnosed annually from 2006 up to 2012. This places the actual number of Dengue fever cases in the country nearly 300 times higher the official reports say otherwise. The report also contains information about national medical expenses reaching at least $1.1 billion in order to meet the needs of patients.
Prof. Donald Shepard from the Brandeis University of Massachusetts is the lead researcher for this study and has been involved in the research for five years now. He says, "We sound that India has nearly 6,000,000 annually clinically diagnosed Dengue cases between 2006 and 2012-almost 300 times greater than the number of cases that have been officially recorded." His team finds the extent of the under reporting as highly concerning especially since it races questions about whether in his response to the disease have been adequate. So far, the situation has been the cause unnecessary suffering for local residents affected by the virus and is also undermining international attempts to prevent the spread of the disease. Prof. Shepard added, "With most infectious diseases the public healthy community have been succeeding. Below is an exception but hopefully a short-term one. My hope for the next decade is that return the tide with Dengue."
The past 50 years have seen a 30-fold rise in the number of Dengue fever cases, largely due to industrial growth and increased travel. Dengue fever is a vector-borne viral disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes and it causes joint pain, persistent fever, and has been known to be fatal. Currently, India have the most number of Dengue fever cases than any other country in the world.