The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has officially announced a new type of virus after a Kansas man was killed by it almost two weeks after the infection.
This virus is called Bourbon, from the town where the man came from. It's one of the thogotoviruses, which are actually present in all parts of the world. Not all of the viruses, however, can lead to severe symptoms, and the latest death was just the first in the United States.
The CDC still doesn't have any idea how a person can acquire the virus, though they believe that the mode of transmission is the same as the other viruses that belong to the family: insect bites and ticks. According to reports, the man who was around his fifties might have obtained it after being bitten by ticks several times a day before he became gravely ill.
Moreover, because there was only one reported case so far, the symptoms are also unclear. However, according the CDC, based on the signs developed by the patient, a person with Bourbon virus disease may develop headaches, fever, and a rash. He may also suffer from malaise or body aches, as well as nausea and vomiting. The man eventually died 11 days after he was admitted into the hospital due to kidney failure.
The virus took a while to be discovered. The patient had to be tested against virus infections. When they all came back negative, that's when the doctors decided to send a blood sample to CDC for a more extensive study. Using a technology known as advanced molecular detection, they found out that what he had was a completely different and unknown virus.
Nevertheless, during his admission, the doctors discovered the presence of ticks filled with blood on the patient's shoulders.
To prevent the disease, CDC therefore encourages the public to always apply an insect repellent and avoid spending too much time in areas that are wooded or bushy.