TRENDING Published February25, 2015 By Jimmy Arid

‘Man Of Steel 2’ News: Christina Wren To Return As Carrie Farris; Her Character To Become Villain In The Film?

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Christina Wren
(Photo : Andrew H. Walker | Getty Images Entertainment)

Christina Wren will be making an appearance in 2016's "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice." The actress portrayed Major Carrie Farris in the first installment for "Man of Steel". She is best known for her roles in "Saudade?" (2012) and "Half Sisters" (2014).

In an interview with Pittsburgh Magazine, Christina Wren mentioned that she has finished filming for "Batman v Superman."

"I can tell you that I think it's going to be badass! They're just such an awesome team. The bits that I was on set for look fantastic; everyone in it is fantastic. It's exciting; it's high-energy; it's high-action. They are addressing all of the things that they set up in 'Man of Steel,'" Christina said when asked about the movie.

According to Cinema Blend, Warner Bros. and director Zack Snyder might be preparing the storyline for "Green Lantern" in "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice."

There was a character in the comic books named Carol Farris who was a businesswoman and pilot. She is the love interest of Hal Jordan, who then becomes the Green Lantern. She also becomes possessed by a Star Sapphire gem which gave her a villainous personality. Christina Wren's character is named closely to Star Sapphire which led to the publication speculating that Snyder must have a master plan for their Justice League line-up.

Christina's character, Carrie Farris, plays a key role in the comics and the actress was asked whether that would reflect in this film or future installments.

"So there's some gossip; this has not been officially confirmed with me at all. But my character's name is Carrie Farris; there's a character named Carol Farris who's the Green Lantern's girlfriend and turns into this superhero, Star Sapphire. But I have no idea if that's the plan; they're not even slated to do a Green Lantern film for several years," Christina Wren replied.

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