Scientists or researchers can be obsessed with many things, and this time, they're turning Internet users' cheeks red with their new study: the normal size of a penis.
A group of researchers from London decided to answer the proverbial question among men and women by conducting a comprehensive study. They perused and researched on hundreds of already published researchers related to the subject.
They set up parameters in choosing these studies. First, all the male participants should be considerably healthy--that is, they should not suffer from any disorder or be taking medications that can affect the penis size and girth (e.g., erectile dysfunction). The participants should not have gone through any type of enhancement.
Moreover, the study must have a good number of participants. They needed those that had been conducted on at least 50 men with ages at least 17 years.
Lastly, it's extremely important that these penile measurements were taken with great precision and care and only by certified health professionals.
In the end, the new study gathered more than 15 previous researchers with over 15,000 men across several countries. Plotting the statistics or measurements in a bell curve, they discovered that the average or normal penis size is only 3.6 inches when flaccid and 5.2 inches when fully erect. When it comes to girth, the average is 3.7 inches and 4.6 inches if erect.
While the study may sound trivial, initially, the researchers have explained its merits. First, it can help men who suffer from dysmorphic disorders, or those who have a completely different perception about the parts of their bodies. The study may aid counselors and therapists in designing a treatment or management plan for them.
They also believe that the research is vital for manufacturers of condoms. It's essential the condom fits the male organ snugly when worn during erect to significantly reduce or even eliminate the risks of failure.