In celebration for World Mental Health Day last October 10, 2014 the European Federation of Associations of Families of People with Mental Illness (EUFAMI) in collaboration with LUCAS, the interdisciplinary centre for care research and consultancy of the University of Leuven, Belgium has conducted an international survey that focuses on family carers for people with schizophrenia.
The said survey called Care4Carers (C4C) survey was conducted in 25 countries and responses from over 400 family carers were analyzed.
The survey's results established that 3 out of 4 family carers admit that the care they have to give to a family member with schizophrenia is taking a toll on their physical and emotional well-being.
While caring for a family member who has the condition is generally unspoken, covered and often not given the attention and appreciation that those who take on the responsibility deserve, the unhealthy impact the responsibility of caring take on their lives is even more immense.
As a matter of fact, the survey has uncovered that the care they are giving to their family member is taking a toll even on their productivity at their jobs. Those whose employers are less considerate of their daily undertaking that involves their caring responsibility and their job are at high risks of losing their means of living.
EUFAMI and LUCAS are working out means not only to recognize this silent workforce but also to render them the help they need such as professional support for the family member they are caring for and even for themselves.
This is most especially that 4 out of 10 family carers have reported to have recurring episodes of anxiety and depression over their caring responsibilities.
Among the most common concerns from elderly carers (average age of 61) who watch over a younger sibling or a son or a daughter who is schizophrenic. Elderly carers worry what would become of their family if they are no longer able or "around" for their support.