Pregnancy symptoms differ from woman to woman and pregnancy to pregnancy. One of the most significant symptoms is always a delayed or missed period. Yet, a better understanding of the early signs of pregnancy is vital. Anyone who is trying to conceive knows that the two weeks in between ovulation and the next period is long enough to confirm a pregnancy.
As early as implantation occurs, that is the time you can feel and experience pregnancy symptoms. Here are the most common signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
1. Missed or Delayed Period
A missed period is always the first sign you might be pregnant. Sometimes, women mistake spotting as their monthly period but in fact, it is called implantation bleeding. As early as one to two days of a missed period, you can already use a home pregnancy kit to test if you are pregnant.
2. Morning Sickness
Morning sickness can start as early as eight weeks into pregnancy and women will most likely feel nauseated. Morning sickness is a very common symptom of pregnancy but not all women experience it. It can begin as early as five weeks and peak at about eight weeks.
3. Breast Changes
Pregnant women may feel soreness and tenderness in their breasts. This is due to the breast tissue that increases in preparation for milk production. The changes result from the veins becoming more prominent. The nipples and areola may start to darken in color.
4. Frequent Urination
If you have more visits to the toilet than the usual, you might be pregnant. Frequent urination can cause more blood to flow to the uterus. The pressure is placed on the bladder, in the next trimesters of pregnancy, and can cause frequent urination.
5. Fatigue
Fatigue is one of the most common symptoms during pregnancy. In this case, when you are pregnant, you are then required to eat more and rest more.
6. Cramping
Cramping in the hypogastric area, just like having menstrual cramps, is normal. This is common during the first trimester because the uterus expands in preparation for the fetus. However, if the cramping becomes too intense and there is vaginal spotting or bleeding, you should call your health care provider.
7. Food cravings
Many women experience food cravings during pregnancy. It is vital for you and the baby to have all the nutrients needed that is why you might be craving for foods which contain the nutrients you lack.
8. Lightheadedness
When you are pregnant, you might feel lightheaded especially when you quickly changed position. This can be alleviated by rising up upon sleeping to a sitting position with feet dangling at the edge of the bed before standing up.
These are some common symptoms of pregnancy. However, for confirmation you can always consult your doctor, or take confirmatory tests like pregnancy tests and ultrasound procedures.