Given the chance, the Spanish nursing assistant with Ebola is still willing to help patients once she's out of the hospital, an information shared by Teresa Mesa, the appointed spokeswoman of the family to the journalists.
Forty-four-year-old Teresa Ramos contracted the deadly virus after she attended to two Ebola patients from Sierra Leone and Liberia who were later brought to Carlos III hospital, where she was working. This made her the first person in Europe to contract the virus outside Africa.
She was on a holiday when she developed the initial symptoms of the virus. Thus, she went to a hospital in the suburbs for isolation before she was brought to Carlos III hospital.
So far, she's showing signs of improvement, and as her doctor says, she's trying to fight off the disease as much as she could. Although she couldn't still eat, she can already drink water. She also talked to her husband through a telephone for 10 minutes.
During the conversation, Limon asked her whether she's willing to risk her life again for the same reason, and Romero answered in the affirmative, especially since she knew that once she's cleared of the virus, she's already immune to the strain.
She also broached the topic of her dog Excalibur, although her husband didn't tell her yet that the dog had to be put down as the government's fear of a possible Ebola spread rose.
In the meantime, her husband, who was also confined in the hospital but on a separate floor for observation, voiced out his opinion over the lame response of the Spanish authorities over the Ebola case of his wife and the threat of spread in the country. In a letter he released on Monday, October 13, he mentioned that Ramos received less than an hour of intensive training, including wearing the protective gear, before she became part of the team.
Moreover, like the growing number of people in Madrid, he also called on the resignation of the city's health minister while Mariano Rajoy, the prime minister, went on to face intensive questioning from the opposition during a meeting in the Parliament on Wednesday, October 15.