The newest mobile application called Aspire News looks like an ordinary news application but it can be an automated alert system that can save the lives of women who are victims of domestic violence. It acts as an undercover cry for help for people in abusive relationships to get access to help in moments where their lives are in danger.
This application can be downloaded from both the Apple Store and Android Market (Play Store). It was developed by Robin McGraw, the founder of When Georgia Smiled: The Robin McGraw Revelation Foundation and along with doctors, she launched this application in assistance to women who are abused. It is her aim to help and become in aid to many women in the world who are victims of abusive relationships.
According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, one in every four women will experience domestic violence in her lifetime. An estimated 1.3 million are victims of physical abuse by their partners every year and most cases of domestic violence were not reported to the police and authorities. Every nine seconds, a woman is beaten in the United States alone.
While the homepage of Aspire News functions like a regular news application, there is a section called "Help" which encompasses a list of local domestic violence resources. Also, there is a "Go Button," that when a woman presses, alerts the user's chosen contacts like family members, local authorities and the police. The Aspire Initiative aims to decrease the level of intimate relationship violence in the U.S. It is the first of its kind and it is disguised so the abuser cannot determine that it is actually an alert system.
Consequently, many agencies are clamouring to help women and children who are abused. Using this application will help women be aware of their rights and prevent violence in the household. Domestic violence has been a predicament long ago and up-to-date, its number has not yet improved.