A nurse was arrested in Italy for allegations linking her to the mysterious deaths of 38 patients while in her care. The 42-year old nurse, Daniela Poggiali, was brought into custody this weekend when the autopsy results were released following the death of her former patient. Results revealed that there is a lethal amount of Potassium Chloride in the body of the patient.
Her patient died from cardiac arrest. Investigations were conducted and revealed that during her duty in the hospital, several other patients died mysteriously. Consequently, there were 37 other patients admitted to the Umberto I Hospital in Lugo who died in her care.
The investigators stated that the patients who died have either a pushy or demanding relative or they are ill-mannered patients. According to her workmates, Daniela even offered her help to deal with demanding patients. She even gave laxatives at the end of her shift so that other nurses will have to clean up the patient.According to a police investigation, a co-nurse at the hospital told them that when patients were predominantly cranky, she would even said she'll take care of it. They were in vague of what she meant, and now it is all clear to them.
Furthermore, her work mates recall that she was taking a selfie with a "thumbs up" over the dead body of the patient. A person with such attitude to even pose at a dead body can do much more.
When interviewed, the nurse denied the allegations stating that it is a plot against her by people who wants to take her down and those who have grudge on her.
Potassium chloride is a highly concentrated mineral that can cause death if injected directly to the veins. It is also used in lethal injection. There were cases of accidentally injecting the drug to patients, but in this case, it was deliberately done to kill patients.