Nina Pham is the first nurse to have contracted the Ebola Virus Disease after she and several other health care professionals took care of Thomas Eric Duncan, the first person to die from Ebola in the United States. Her boyfriend and dog were isolated and quarantined.
Her boyfriend was confined at the Texas Hospital but no confirmation was made by health authorities. Meanwhile, Pham's dog , a one-year-old King Charles Spaniel named Bentley, is being contained at the Hensley Field naval air base in south Dallas. Plans for the dog are still being discussed.
According to Dallas news, one of Pham's friend has contracted the disease from being first hand contact with the 26-year old nurse. However, later news confirmed that he was indeed her boyfriend.
Her boyfriend works at Alcon in Texas. The president of the company wrote a letter informing the employees that two persons are being observed for signs and symptoms of the Ebola virus. Since Nina took care of Duncan for days, the health officials are uncertain how many people she came in contact with during that time. They are tracking every one she lived with and those who she talked with.
In related news, Nina Pham is doing well in the care of good people. With the immediate medical attention she has, everyone is hoping that she would recover from the dangers of the disease. She is about to undergo a controversial medical treatment wherein the blood of an Ebola Virus Disease survivor is transfused into her system. The method is rooted to the theory that the blood of a survivor has the antibodies needed to kill the virus.
Meanwhile, President Barack Obama has ordered investigations on how she contracted the disease with all the protective gear and safety protocols implemented during Duncan's stay in the hospital.
If the man tested positive for Ebola, he is the second confirmed case of transmission in the United States and in just a short time. Thus, it entails that the virus can actually spread faster than expected.