On Friday, the World Health Organization has declared that the Ebola outbreak in Senegal is now officially over. However, officials also said that the country is still highly vulnerable, saying that the development of further cases of the lethal disease remains a possibility because it could be imported from neighboring countries.
A representative from the agency said that, "While the outbreak is now officially over, Senegal's geographical position makes the country vulnerable to additional imported cases other people a virus disease. It continues to remain vigilant for any suspected cases by strict compliance with WHO guidelines."
Earlier, a Guinean man who was traveling from Guinea into the Senegalese capital of Dakar was suspected having of the Ebola virus. However, after the man did not develop any of the symptoms 42 days after exposure, which is already twice the length of the known incubation period of the disease, the patient has been cleared. Additionally, the 74 people who were brought under surveillance after coming in contact with him have also been declared free of the virus.
The WHO praised the Senegalese Government for their unwavering diligence in keeping the virus under control by making sure that they put an end to the transmission of the virus. They say that the government's response is a good example of managing possible important cases of the virus. They commended Pres. Macky Sall and Health Minister Dr. Awa Coll-Seck who "reacted quickly" to keep the disease from spreading. The response plan was said to have included the identification and monitoring of the 74 other people who were in close contact with the patient, early testing of the suspected cases, improved surveillance at multiple entry points, and the augmentation of public awareness campaigns nationwide. Due to the swift action, the WHO was also notified immediately and they were able to send a team of epidemiologists into the country.