Almost everyone has experienced a throbbing pain on their head which can last for hours or even days. Yet, many people do not know what triggers or causes their headaches.
What is headache? Headache is also called cephalagia and it is defined as pain anywhere in the head and neck region. In fact, it is the most common neurological condition people experience when they go to physicians for treatment.
However, a headache can also be a symptom that is caused by an underlying disease. The brain has no pain receptors that is why it does not feel pain. Rather, the pain is caused by the disturbance in the pain-sensitivity areas around the brain.
According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey as reported by CNS News, 22.7% of adults and adolescents from the United States are suffering from headaches and migraines. Meanwhile, the National Headache Foundation reports that over 37 million people in the United States suffer from migraine. It is a vascular headache which tends to affect people between 15 and 55 years of age. Moreover, they discovered that a family history of migraines play an important role of its emergence.
Stress is dubbed to be one of the most common causes of tension headaches. Stress is claimed to trigger the flight or fight mechanism of the body's defense system which entails many symptoms including fast breathing, increased heart rate and adrenaline rush which can all trigger a headache bout.
Muscular tension may trigger tension headaches and these occur in response to muscle contraction or tension in the neck, face and scalp. Muscular tension can by caused by poor posture, over exertion, and anxiety.
Diet may also lead to headaches and migraines. Sugar levels and activity can also trigger headaches. Also, some ingredients in food can trigger headaches such as caffeine which is found mainly in coffee and chocolate drinks. Foods containing MSG may also trigger pain in the head.
Vision problems such as astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness may lead to headaches. In some cases it may lead to other symptoms like vomiting and nausea. Some medications like antihypertensives may trigger headache bouts.
Meanwhile, Medical News Today says that migraines are caused by blood vessel enlargement and the release of chemicals from nerve fibers surrounding these blood vessels. A migraine headache can lead to feelings of nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.