Last year, rumors have spread that singer and songwriter, Avril Lavigne is suffering from a serious disease. A month ago, she confirmed that she suffered from a bacterial infection which left her bedridden for five months. Her disease, Lyme disease, is caused by ticks. However, another tick-borne disease is making its rounds lately, and experts are warning the public that this is worse than Lyme disease.
The virus, Powassan virus, can cause serious bacterial infection in the body specifically the brain. It can cause encephalitis and meningitis which are potentially fatal. They can leave survivors with permanent neurological disorders and problems, Time Magazine reports.
Physicians said that the symptoms of Powassan are similar to Lyme disease but is more severe and fatal. Reported cases of the virus have increased over the last few years, Jorge Parada, MD, medical advisor for the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) from Loyola University told Yahoo Health.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that the Powassan virus disease is a rare, but often serious disease that is caused by a virus spread by infected ticks. Approximately 50 cases of POW virus disease were reported in the United States over the past decade. Initial symptoms include fever, headache, vomiting, weakness, confusion, loss of coordination, speech difficulties, and seizures.
Dr. Cameron added, "You can get seizures, high fevers, stiff neck. It comes on so suddenly that it's the kind of thing people go to the emergency room for."
Doctors are recommending and advising everyone to be vigilant and protect themselves especially when they go outside. They added to avoid bushy and wooded areas, check for ticks, and carry a bug spray.