An Italian couple was enjoying their intimate time and frolic together in the sea when they got stuck together. They went off to a secluded beach and got intimate in the waves in a beach off coast Italy when they found themselves stuck with each other. Luckily, a woman passed by and after noticing the couple asking for help, the woman gave them a towel to the shore.
A local doctor tried to save them from embarrassment as to trying to release the pressure between them. However, the situation may be sticky for him. He cannot let them go so he called an ambulance to transport them to the nearest hospital, still stuck together.
In the emergency room, the woman was given an injection to relax her muscles so they could be separated from each other. However, this case is not rare after all. In fact, there are many cases of this scenario where many of them were reported in other countries.
How did they got stuck together? This condition is called vaginismus or penis captivus Vaginismus is a vaginal muscle spasm that makes the vagina lock its muscles around the penetrating object. It is an unconscious ability of a woman and she has no control on the strength and duration of the spasm. Also, penis captivus is a condition wherein the vaginal muscles clamp strongly on the penis making it impossible for the penis to withdraw from the vagina.
This case is rare but it happens. Vaginismus is a very embarrassing condition for women. There are many reports pertaining to this incident like back in July, a couple in Europe had the same experience. While firefighters received a call for rescue and they found out that the couple were stuck to each other while having sex.
If this condition happens, the only means to relax the vaginal muscles is to give muscle relaxants to the woman. Muscle relaxants help reduce the tension on the muscles in the whole body, including that of the vagina.