Last Thursday, a five-year old boy who has brain tumor was taken by his family from Southhampton General Hospital and has not been found since.
The police are still on the search for the missing boy as his condition will ultimately deteriorate if the intensive care he requires will not be given as soon as possible.
It has been found out early in the investigation that the boy's parents Bret King, 51 and Naghemeh King, 45 took the boy from the hospital without permission from the boy's physicians. His doctors said that he requires optimum round-the-clock care as it he had just come out of surgery for the tumor in his brain.
According to the reports yielded in the investigation, the boy who in unable to communicate verbally and is immobile was likely taken away in a wheelchair or a buggy.
When taken from the hospital, the boy has a battery-powered feeding tube which will most likely run out within 24 hours. This causes more turmoil with the doctors and more pressure for the authorities to bring the boy back to the safety of professional care.
In a later report, the boy, his parents and his siblings were spotted boarding a ferry to France and it is believed that they are going around in a gray Hyundai I800 Style CRDI, registration KP60 HWK.
Due to this, the local authorities have alerted the Interpol. The latter in return has issued a Yellow Notice, or a missing person alert, for the five-year old boy.
The said yellow code will be sent off to all of the 190 countries in the Interpol's list.
On top of this, Detective Superintendent Dick Pearson of the Hampshire Major Investigation Team said that they have launched a social media campaign that seeks to hasten the investigation while spreading word about the missing boy in hopes of finding him fast.