First trimester is the most exciting yet hardest part of being pregnant. Most women experience many discomforts that hinder them to perform their daily activities. However, these symptoms vary from one woman to another, depending on their personality, physical endurance and tolerance to discomforts.
Breast tenderness is a common symptom a woman experiences when she is pregnant. It can be noticed when the breasts are exposed to cold air. Women who experience tenderness on their breasts should wear loose and comfortable brassieres in order to accommodate the enlarging breasts.
Constipation occurs in early pregnancy as the weight of the growing baby in the women press against the colon and hence, the peristalsis of the intestines is slowed down. Also, the iron supplement most women take in can contribute to constipation.
The most tiring symptom is nausea and vomiting. At least half of pregnant women suffer from this condition. This is commonly caused by the secretion of hormones during pregnancy. This is termed as morning sickness and to avoid this, before going up the bed in the morning, chew or munch crackers. Others use ice chips to relieve nausea.
Most pregnant women feel tired easily. They experience fatigue because of the increased metabolic requirements. Getting enough rest and sleep can combat this symptom. Also, muscle cramps happen during pregnancy due to decreased calcium in the blood. The body needs double calcium levels because of the developing fetus in the uterus. Moreover, one cause is the compression of the nerves in the pelvis and reduced blood circulation to the lower extremities.
Lastly, many women experience frequent urination during pregnancy. This is rooted to the compression of the bladder making urination more frequent than normal.
Pregnancy is a rewarding experience associated with many physical discomforts. Proper ways to take care of one self is important as well as support from the husband and family members are equally essential.