Labor pain is considered by the many as a very painful experience before giving birth to a child. Involuntary muscle contraction that the body normally does is not painful such as the movement of the heart and intestines. However, pregnancy causes a unique muscle contraction that is involuntary but very painful. Uterine contractions before childbirth can be very painful and exhausting.
There are several theories on how uterine contractions cause tremendous pain. One theory says that during labor, the vessels supplying blood to the uterine walls constrict limiting bloody supply to the uterus and cervical cells. Low oxygen levels or hypoxia in the muscles can cause extreme pain because they would secrete lactic acid. When the labor progresses, so is the lack of oxygen supply to muscles. Hence, the pain intensifies as the women reach the last stage of labor.
Furthermore, pain can occur because the pelvis, cervix and perineum are stretched in order to accommodate the baby's size. Well, people experience gas pain and indeed, they are painful. The same mechanism happens when stretching of the parts of the body happens. The pain intensifies as the cervix dilates but when it reaches its maximum dilatation and the woman starts to push, the pain will disappear.
Aside from that, pain can also be felt as the pressure of the baby in preparation for childbirth, pushes the walls of the uterus and cervix. The presenting part of the infant is enforcing pressure in the walls of the perineum. Overstretching of the perineum can cause pain because nerve endings are irritated during this phase of labor.
Pain relief measures are incorporated in the management such as deep breathing exercises, walking around and heat or cold application.
Pain is indeed a discomforting experience. However, many women attest to the fact that they endured the pain and when they see their infant for the first time, the pain magically disappears and replaced by joy and fulfillment.