The "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" release date is set this year on Nov. 6, which is a Friday. The game will be published for PS4, Xbox One and PC.
It has become a tradition among game publishers to release games during the middle of the week. The "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" release date falling on a Friday will be a break in the custom. Treyarch confirmed that gamers can buy the shooter on Nov. 6 and enjoy it over the weekend.
Senior Vice President of Activision Rob Kostich stated that the Friday "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" release date is meant to give fans more fun. It would mean that it would result to a fun weekend for players. The "Black Ops" series is the most played game editions of "CoD."
Treyarch is expecting even more players to be hooked with "Black Ops 3" since there is so much in store for fans across every mode of play. The game's campaign mode has been redesigned. It will also feature zombies and new ideas to the gaming experience.
One of the features that fans enjoy in the "Black Ops" game series is the hacking mechanics. Hacking has been a large part of the "Call of Duty" franchise. It enables players to take over different weapons in order to turn them on the opponent. It does not, however, make the game any easier.
Black Hatting has also been featured in previous titles. David Vonderhaar of Treyarch was asked by Twitter user MrLolsniper whether hacking and black hatting would be returning to "Black Ops 3."
"I haven't answered that," Vonderhaar wrote. "We have big plans for "hacking" mechanics and are still working it out."
There will be a new ranking system for the game. Players will be ranked from 1 to 40, with no prestige. They can gain their ranks in an accumulation of in-game actions such as kills, headshots, revives and perks, among others. Players will get a subtraction from their points when they perform negative actions, missed revives and deaths, etc.