Alfie Patten, 13 years old then, was dubbed as the youngest father in United Kingdom when news sparked that he fathered a baby with his 15 year-old girlfriend. However, DNA testing revealed that he is not the father of the baby. Apparently, the girl named Chantelle Steadman had sex with other men.
Maisie Roxeanne is the name of the baby that Patten believed to be his daughter. The truth is, the real father is Tyler Barker, a 15 year old teen who admits he had unprotected sexual intercourse with Steadman. He was scared to admit he was the father because of the responsibility it entails. The boy said that he thought that Steadman had already taken care of it for she said she would take the morning after pill.
Patten and Steadman had a first time unprotected sex that is why he believed he was the father of the baby. He was only 12 years old then. Patten was hurt and pained when the result came out. According to his mother, he cried and even ran out of the room.
His mother claims that Alfie is still a virgin and he want to stay at that until he is 18 years old. She said that she's afraid that someday a girl would like him but would be ashamed to let him meet her parents. They might think he is the boy who got a girl pregnant at 12 years old.
In related news, this issue brought out debates on teenage pregnancy and the practice of safe sex among teenagers. The rate of teenage pregnancy rose up in recent years. In fact, according to FPA, United Kingdom has the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in Western Europe. It is still a growing predicament worldwide and measures to control it are being discussed.