LIFE Published June3, 2015 By Milafel Hope Dacanay

Will You Die within 5 Years?

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Death is certainly the great equalizer. It doesn't matter whether you're rich, less fortunate, young, or old-at some point we're all going to die unless science will remarkably catch up and teach us how to live forever.

To make things even more uncomfortable, we have no idea when we're going to take a bow. But a more scientific death risk calculator may give us an overview.

A group of researchers from London has created a more scientific and comprehensive calculator that tries to determine whether you're going to be around within the next 5 years.

It is found in an interactive website called Ubble, which stands for UK Longevity Explorer. It is a very simple survey composed of roughly 11 questionnaires dealing with your habits such as smoking, lifestyle like whether you're active or not, and your mental and emotional health.

Currently, the calculator, which the researchers develop alongside Sense about Science, a charity organization in the UK, is available for men and women who are between 40 and 70 years old. It's good if the Ubble age is lower than your actual age. But if it's higher, then you should pay more attention to your health.

The researchers want to remind the users that the calculator doesn't give exact results. However, the estimations should give you a deeper awareness of the current and possible condition of your health. They also believe that their study can be helpful for doctors in determining patients who are high risk.

To come up with a comprehensive result based on the answers to the questions, the researchers used the data from the country's bio bank. These records spanned for at least 4 years from 2006. Moreover, the average ages of people in the data were between 40 and 70. From this data, they were able to create statistical models that affect both or each of the genders.

In the end, quitting smoking, living a more active lifestyle, and eating well are still some of the best ways to reduce your risk of dying early regardless of what age you are.

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