Harmonix is making sure that "Rock Band 4" instruments are compatible with last-gen peripherals.
The studio has confirmed that they are tackling each technical challenge as it happens. They are also focusing their initial efforts to make sure that the older versions of wireless gear for "Rock Band 4" instruments would function properly.
Previous gen versions of "Guitar Hero" instruments should work. However, Harmonix cannot officially guarantee or confirm its their compatibility with "Rock Band 4" since they did not develop the tools. The studio has also promised additional updates soon and added that they wish to support as many last-gen instruments as possible.
Harmonix previously announced that old instruments can be carried over and going from PS3 to PS4 will require nothing more than plugging in the device. Xbox 360 instruments can be carried over to Xbox One as well but it will need a special, inexpensive adapter, according to the game's developer.
"Rock Band 4" instruments were also revealed to look "a million times better." They also include more technological advancements since the last version of the game. Harmonix has admitted that Forge, the game's new engine, has been optimized to work on a new generation of consoles.
"The actual rendering of the crowd, the actual characters onstage, the lighting, just the whole experience of rock band is much more expressive," Creative Lead Greg LoPiccolo said.
It was previously reported that Harmonix may not be able to cater to the demand for "Rock Band 4" instruments unless fans preorder them. Fans can sign up in their official website to get a notification when it goes live.
The game's song list was also confirmed to be "top-tier" and Rigopulos, Harmonix's Chief Creative Officer, revealed that they are planning to have a steady, ongoing series of DLC releases. The first six songs for the upcoming music video game comes from Avenged Sevenfold, Fleetwood Mac, Jack White, The Killers, Spin Doctors and The Who.