The "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" gameplay experience will be vastly improved with new additions to the campaign and multiplayer modes.
PlayStationLifeStyle.net reported that Activision has sent out the official "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" gameplay fact sheet. This includes details on the available Specialists, customization, campaign, maps and zombies.
The "Black Ops 3" campaign is made for four-player online co-op and re-playability. It is designed to enable players to approach the game with a different strategy for each play. Each character is fully customizable with weapons, loadouts, abilities and outfits. Full progression systems and a personalized armory will also provide the players with a unique campaign experience.
Key campaign additions are Spatial Design and Larger Environments which have been created to enable players to use more powerful hardware. This provides players with the ability to engage enemies in whatever way they choose. Cyber Cores and Tactical Rigs allow an added degree of player customization in terms of skills and movements while The Safe House is a place where players can customize their weapons and loadouts.
The "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" gameplay experience will be even better with the all-new Movement system and Specialist system as well as the Zombies. Six Specialists have been revealed so far: Ruin, Seraph, Outrider, Reaper, Prophet and Nomad. The game's maps are: Combine, Hunted, Stronghold and Evac.
Activision has confirmed at E3 2015 that the upcoming "Call of Duty: Black Ops 3" DLC will be enjoyed by PlayStation owners first. Kotaku reported that the PlayStation-Activision deal grants 30 days of exclusivity to PS3 and PS4 for the "Black Ops 3" DLC.
It was previously reported that Activision has ended their exclusivity deal with Xbox for the upcoming shooter. It seemed like the Xbox exclusivity for "CoD" titles has been swapped for a deal with Sony. "Black Ops 3" is slated for release on Nov. 6.