Spoiler of the new "Dragon Ball Z" TV series have been revealed in the "Dragon Ball Super" manga.
iDigitalTimes reported that the "Dragon Ball Super" manga has been released in Japan. It featured a primer on the new TV series before it is aired on Jul. 5. The anime is set after Goku defeated Majin Buu. It was previously confirmed that "Dragon Ball Super" will have an enemy who is stronger than Majin Buu or Frieza.
The "Dragon Ball Super" manga began with a short montage of Majin Buu's defeat under the hands of the Z-Fighters and Mr. Satan. Afterwards, Goku is seen riding a farming tractor. Goten brought him food and Goku asked his son to take over the tractor. Goku turns Super Saiyan after finishing his food and began imagining a fight with Frieza, Cell and Buu.
Hearing a crash, Goku stopped his daydreaming and saw that Goten has crashed the tractor. Goten asked his father if he was training and Goku said that he needs to be prepared in case an enemy stronger than Majin Buu should arrive. Goku wishes to go to the Supreme Kai's place for training but ChiChi wants him to get a job.
On another planet, Beerus is seen eating. The representatives of the planet he was on tries to kill him with poison that they put in the wine. Beerus drank the wine and said that the drink was really good. He then decided to destroy the planet with a flick of his fingers.
Series creator Akira Toriyama is credited for the show's story and character concepts. Kimitoshi Chioka of Toei Animation will direct the new "Dragon Ball Z" TV series while Naoko Sagawa and Atsushi Kido join the production as producers along with Nozaki. It will premiere on Japanese televisions in July every Sunday at 9 a.m.
The latest character for the new "Dragon Ball Z" TV series has been revealed. Shanpa closely resembles Beerus, the God of Destruction, from the "Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods" and "Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection of F" films.