TRENDING Published June30, 2015 By Athena Parnada

‘Uncharted’ Movie Update: Director Seth Gordon Drops Out as Sony Exec Slashes Movie Budget

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Seth Gordon at the Los Angeles premiere of "Identity Thief."
(Photo : Kevin Winter | Getty Images Entertainment)

“Uncharted” was initially slated for a June 2016 release date, but with the hurdles that the game-to-movie adaptation is currently facing, it does not look like it will be able to meet its deadline.

Production would have already started by now, if only director Seth Gordon had not stepped down from his directorial position. Gordon left the project after film executive Tom Rothman allegedly wanted the film to be made with a limited budget, reported Heroic Hollywood.

This is not the first time that the movie's director dropped out. Directors Neil Burger of “Divergent” and David O. Russell had all dropped out before Gordon. Russell reportedly left the project due to creative differences.

“There is a family that is a force to be reckoned with in the world of international art and antiquities – a family that deals with heads of state and heads of museums and metes out justice,” Russell said, according to a follow-up report from Los Angeles Times in 2011. “We will have the family dynamic. You take that and put it on the bigger, more muscular stage of an international action picture, but also put all the character stuff in it. That is a really cool idea to me.”

Apparently, Sony was not onboard with the family-focused theme that Russell had in mind and did not think the idea was cool at all.

Since Rothman was seated as the chairman of the Sony Motion Picture Group – following the hacking of the company’s emails during Amy Pascal’s tenure – he had reportedly asked for Gordon to make an “Uncharted” movie with the same budget “Resident Evil” had, which was around $65 million only - as confirmed by Box Office Mojo.

The film’s script was already completed by Mark Boal, as it must be noted that the film was already scheduled to start filming, if not for Rothman’s ridiculous demands. Now, it is highly likely that it will be revised in order to lower down the costs. There is also the possibility that the entire script was scrapped, and a new “Uncharted” team might have to start from scratch.

Either way, it does not look like the movie adaptation of “Uncharted” will be making its June 2016 target release date.

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