It may seem easy but it is one of the hardest work outs today because it requires control and flexibility. Most Chinese seniors are performing Tai Chi not only as a form of exercise but also to promote overall health and well-being.
Tai Chi is a type of martial art dubbed as the "meditation in motion". It has evolved over the years into an effective way to relieve stress and anxiety, and it promotes relaxation as well. There is a growing evidence that this type of work out can prevent and treat many health problems.
It is described as a low impact motion exercise wherein pauses are included within the exercise. The health benefits are now being studied and the art is associated with reduced stress, depression, and enhanced mood for both people who are healthy and those who have medical conditions.
Furthermore, this exercise could promote improvement in aerobic capacity, increased endurance, increased energy and muscle strength.
Medical News Today reiterated some of the most popular health benefits that can be derived from Tai Chi. A study has found out that patients with Parkinson's disease who do Tai Chi have improved ability to walk, have better posture, and had fewer falls.
Tai Chi has also been linked to improvement of health of those people with chronic heart failure. They experienced better quality of life and mood. Patients with fibromyalgia always experience pain and when they practiced Tai Chi, the pain was alleviated as well as other symptoms.
According to a study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, Tai Chi can help improve glucose levels in the blood. Lastly, depression is one condition that Tai Chi targets. Other conditions that could be improved by this work out as reported by Harvard Health include arthritis, low bone density, breast cancer, heart disease, hypertension, sleep problems, and even stroke.