During only the first three days of application, over 2,000 people have already registered to get their identification cards that will allow them access to medical marijuana in the state of Illinois. This number far surpasses the number that the program administrators from the Illinois Department of Public Health had had in mind earlier, saying that they had only expected a few hundred applications during the first few days. A spokesperson for the Health Department of Illinois said that although the registrations are "obviously higher" than their original forecast, it is not something that they cannot handle. Bob Morgan, chief of the medical cannabis pilot program in Illinois said that, "This is a promising sign that the program is on track to fulfill its key purpose-alleviating the pain and suffering of thousands of Illinoisans."
At the moment, View authorities are processing the electronic applications of patient his last names fall under the letter A through L. patients under this group can still submit registrations until October 31 of this year. The next wave of applications will begin in November and December, followed by another one early next year. To be able to register, the patient must have a written certification from their doctor, a comprehensive background check, and the $100 annual fee for the application of the medical marijuana card. Organizers also added that there is only a $50 annual fee to be charged for veterans and disabled people.
Melanie Arnold from the state's Health Department said that, "The System is working well. It's always difficult to speculate and estimate how many are going to apply. Hundreds of thousands (of Illinoisans) are eligible for medical cannabis cards with a debilitating conditions."
This four-year pilot project was enacted by State Law last year, and state officials are saying that the first products can be made available by next year. Applications will begin to be accepted on Monday from prospected cultivation centers and dispensary facilities that would like to secure one of the limited permits being issued by the state.