Dan Maurer from Burlington, Michigan is now said to be recovering well after undergoing a 12-hour surgery to surgically repair abnormally large scrotum. Late last month, three surgical teams performed a procedure on Maurer to remove the abnormal 80-pound mass that had grown on his scrotum as a result of a rare condition. He is reportedly out of intensive care and may need a few more weeks to make a full recovery. Maurer's Family is optimistic that this would be the beginning of "a whole new life for him."
Dr. Joel Gelman from the University of California Irvine was the lead surgeon on Maurer's case and has extensive experience with the condition called scrotal lymphedema. He is reportedly pleased with the surgery and with the way that Maurer has been healing. He says that they believe that this condition is caused by the obstruction of lymphatic vessels that result to fluid accumulation in the area. Maurer has reportedly been dealing with this condition for over five years. During the operation, doctors also were able to remove over 40 pounds of fat that had accumulated in his abdominal area. He was able to receive treatment for the said condition after an online fund raising site was able to raise over $30,000 to help him get the lifesaving procedure he needed. A portion of the money will also be dedicated to his rehabilitation after recovery. One of the donors has also pledged his services as a personal trainer to help Maurer get back into shape when he is back in Michigan.
Over the past few weeks, Maurer's mother, Connie Maurer, and his wife, Melita, have been with him in California to provide support throughout the ordeal. Connie Maurer said that they are grateful to everyone who contributed to make this happen for her son. She added that, "It's something that could happen to anyone. It's a story. It's life."