"Dragon Ball Super" episode 17 is entitled "Keep This a Secret From Chi-Chi! I Wanna Go Train Too!"
In this episode, Gohan and Videl's daughter, Pan, is born and Goku is stuck on Earth while Vegeta trains with Whis. The latest installment in the series witnessed how the Super Saiyan was able to join the Saiyan Prince in Beerus' planet.
Attack of the Fanboy reported that "Dragon Ball Super" episode 17 took a six-month time jump from the previous episode. This meant that Vegeta had more time to train with Whis. Goku is jealous since Chi-Chi forbade him from training.
"Dragon Ball Super" episode 17 opened with Hercule Satan bonding with Pan. When Gohan arrived from work, he decided to turn into The Great Saiyaman and spar with his father-in-law, at the same time throwing Pan in the air.
Chi-Chi arrived then and got angry when she saw her granddaughter being thrown up in the air. She also revealed that she does not want Pan to grow up to become a fighter, like grandfathers her Goku and Mr. Satan. Instead, she wants her granddaughter to be a scholar similar to Gohan's current profession.
Goku, on the other hand, has been working in a farm for the past six months. Bulma revealed to Chi-Chi that Vegeta was already training with Whis. Goku overheard this and kept on bugging Bulma to see if Whis has visited Earth.
Apparently, Goku's Instant Transmission skill could not send him to Beerus' planet. This means that Whis is the only person who can take him there.
Bulma even gave Goku a smartphone which she can use to contact him. She gave him a call once Whis came back to Earth. Goku begged to be trained by Whis. Gohan saw this and brings Chi-Chi over.
Kpopstarz speculated that Gohan might have been stalking his dad because he also wants to go into training. Chi-Chi got angry again but was not able to do anything as Goku held on to Whis and flew off.