In “Xenoblade Chronicles X” Lin gets a new wardrobe.
The gameplay and the concept are the first things that come to mind when creating a world for a game. What follows after is the story and characters that make up part of the many details that make a role-playing game.
The “Xenoblade Chronicles X” Western release has given gamers the opportunity to play a game that was only made for release in Japan last year. While there may be some tweaks made to make it fit the general gaming preferences of Western players, the game was still just as good as the Japanese version.
According to Nintendo Life, the removal of 13-year-old Lin’s revealing costume became somewhat controversial among fans of the game. Some gamers were disappointed that the developers had to edit the Western version of “Xenoblade Chronicles X” but Cassandra Lee Moris, the voice actress of Lin, was in favor of the change.
“[It] honestly makes me cringe a little bit because [Liz is] only 13 years old," says Morris. "People are calling it censorship. I really see it as localization. There are a lot of cultural differences between Japan and the US and Europe. I, personally, don't mind that Lin's outfits were changed for the US version."
“My hope is that players will be able to concentrate on Lin's abilities and what she can bring to your game and what she can do for the other members of her party and not just how she looks.”
The Western version of “Xenoblade Chronicles X” is available on the Wii U.
“Xenoblade Chronicles X” is a sci-fi RPG game that begins in 2054 where two alien races battle near Earth and damage the planet. Humanity is then forced to seek sanctuary in interstellar ark ships before the planet is destroyed. The game features an open world design where players are given the freedom to customize their characters and explore their surroundings.