TEEN HEALTH Published November25, 2014 By Staff Reporter

Breast Size May Help Determine Female Mental Health

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(Photo : piepie-pixabay)

Women come in different sizes, including their breasts. Some are huge, others small, while a number have asymmetrical breasts, which means one of them is bigger than the other. And if the new study is to be believed, women may also exhibit different behaviors or state of mental health according to the size of their breasts.

For the first time, researchers composed of doctors of Boston Children's Hospital tried to correlate female mental health and breast size.

Around 59 women with ages between 12 and 21 years old participated in the study. These women also have different cup sizes while 40% have breast deformities wherein their breasts didn't grow normally.

They found out that teens who have larger breasts, a condition known as macromastia, scored lower in terms of their mental well-being. It's the same thing for the participants who have asymmetrical breasts.

Girls with big breasts, in particular, tend to develop issues with regard to their self-esteem, as they struggle with being social, as well as their eating habits. Moreover, even if the differences of the breast size are small, the negative impact remains just as strong.

These problems are also present among those who have already undergone surgery for breast cancer. In fact, boys also tend to develop similar mental health problems as they are also vulnerable to develop more defined breasts.

What's the solution then? Doctors suggest prompt and adequate medical intervention. The problem is that there's no insurance coverage for any corrective surgery unless it's meant for correction or repair after lumpectomy or mastectomy, procedures performed on breast cancer patients. If these girls would undergo surgery, they need to pay the amount themselves.

They are then suggesting support in the form of counselling, as well as consultation for girls who are still in their teens. Surgery is best left on those who have "abnormal breasts" permanently. 

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