American action-comedy animated series "The Powerpuff Girls" is scheduled to return on Cartoon Network in 2016 and would feature new voice actors for the main characters, according to the Nerdist report in 2015.
The show is about three super kids, Blossom, Buttercup and Bubbles, created by "Chemical X," fight crime and "save the world before bedtime." Craig McCracken created the characters and the show ran on Cartoon Network from 1998 to 2005 and had 78 episodes.
The daughters of Professor Utonium has been away for ten years and will be back in "The Powerpuff Girls" reboot series soon to save Townsville, USA. It was announced by Cartoon Network in June 2014 that Cartoon Network Studios would produce the new "The Powerpuff Girls" series. The reboot is scheduled to debut in 2016.
McCracken will not be part of the show's new version and the original voices of the trio were not asked to come back.
The original voice actors were E.G. Daily, Cathy Cavadini and Tara Strong. It is said that the ladies learned the news via social media and Strong called that a "stab in the heart."
Strong, who is known as the voice behind Bubbles also posted an image on Twitter in June 2015 and let fans know that she loved them very much.
Also need to say that I absolutely LOVE my fans so very much...
— tara strong (@tarastrong) June 9, 2015
Cavadini and Daily tweeted similar comments as well. Tom Kenny who is the narrator and voice behind the Mayor was asked to come back. Cartoon Network did not comment on the issue but released three Vine videos of the three new voice actresses, reported Huffington Post.
The new voice actors are Kristen Li as Bubbles, Natalie Palamides for Buttercup and finally, Amanda Leighton as Blossom, revealed ScreenRant.
"The Powerpuff Girls" reboot for 2016 will first premiere in Brazil and Latin America, which is slated for release on April 4.