In Seattle, man who is believed to have infected at least eight other people with HIV have been ordered by the court, through health officials in the city, to stop spreading the virus that is a precursor for AIDS.
On September 4, the King County superior court issued an order instructing the man to follow a cease and desist order filed by the local health department, as well as to be present for counseling and other treatment sessions whenever required. The man, whose identity remains withheld to protect his privacy, was diagnosed with HIV in 2008. Public Health Seattle and King County officials say that, since then, she has been responsible for spreading the dreaded disease by engaging in unprotected sex with multiple partners. The court order stipulates that if he fails to comply with any of the regulations, he will be arrested and kept behind jail for contempt of court.
Dr. Matthew Golden, director of Public Health Seattle and King County's HIV/STD Control program said in a statement, "We're not trying to criminalize sexual behavior here. We are trying to protect the public's health. And we are trying to make sure that everyone gets the care they need, including the person involved in this."
The HIV-infected man has been told that is absolutely essential to disclose his health status to the people that he gets sexually involved with. The court papers also mandated him to practice safe sex at all times. Authorities found out that despite previous counseling, eight people that have been diagnosed with HIV from the year 2010 until June of this year have identified him as a sex partner. Apart from disregarding the cease-and-desist order, he also failed to show up for scheduled medical appointments. This, according to authorities, is a clear violation of the court order, and health officials have already filed for its enforcement as his behavior continues to be an obvious endangerment of public health.