Enterovirus D-68 has been dubbed as a killer virus for kids in the United States as it infected many children in unprecedented numbers and caused paralysis in some. However, pediatricians are concerned on another virus that is really deadly especially for young children.
Dr. Paul Checchia of Texas Children's Hospial who is exposed to children all day reacts on the hysteria concerning EV-D68, "Hysterical - that's the way I describe it." EV-D68 has been scaring families all over the country but it has not killed anyone yet. Meanwhile, respiratory syncytial virus or RSV infects approximately 75,000 to 125,000 and kills 200 every year. Another disease, Influenza, kills approximately 105 kids every year.
He added that most of the children seriously affected by EV-D68 happen to have underlying respiratory diseases like asthma or neurological condition which made them more susceptible to the effects of the pathogen.
RSV is a deadly disease because many U.S. babies die from it but it is not reported that's why it did not receive much of the media attention EV-D68 has been receiving lately. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), it kills 10,000 elderly Americans each year.
Worldwide statistics show that RSV kills approximately 66,000 to 199,000 children each year and most are from developing countries.
Actually, there are many viruses that causes cold-like symptoms like that of EV-D68 and RSV. Rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, metapneumoviruses and influenza can cause the same respiratory symptoms.
Many of the respiratory disease cases were never diagnosed because viral diseases have potentially no treatment but all of them entails supportive care including hydration and immune system enhancers.
However, there are vaccines available to prevent the occurrence of these diseases.
"If there has ever been a time when you have gone through an entire box of tissues because of the drainage, then you probably had RSV," Checchia added. However, trouble breathing should be a warning sign for all parents who suspects RSV infection. If there is trouble breathing, the baby difficult to awaken or does not drink milk or anything by mouth, it is recommended to bring the baby to the nearest emergency room.