2016 seems to be a really lucky year for Rebecca Ferguson. There are many coveted projects lined up for her and she is being considered for a few equally sought after ones.
As per the reports from Deadline, this ''Hercules'' famed actress Ferguson is being considered opposite Michael Fassbender in ''The Snowman'' for director Tomas Alfredson.
Ferguson is already considered for ''Prometheus 2: Alien Covenant'' and to play the role of Carol Danvers in the first female-led superhero movie ''Captain Marvel.'' YHM reported about those stories.
''The Snowman'' will be released in the US on October 13, 2017. It will be directed by Tomas Alfredson and will have Michael Fassbender, Rebecca Ferguson (Plays the role of Katrine Bratt), and Charlotte Gainsbourg in the main cast.
The plot of this upcoming British-American crime drama film revolves around the disappearance of a woman. This film is supposed to be choc-o-block with intense crime fiction drama as Detective Harry Hole tries to solve the mystery.
Michael Fassbender plays the role of Detective Hole and he will be the investigating officer assigned to this case. The pink scarf of this woman who disappeared was found wrapped around a snowman and Detective Hole tries to find her.
This film will be distributed by Universal Pictures, and is loosely based on the Norwegian novel of the same name. Jo Nesbø is the writer of this action-packed crime novel. This is the seventh novel by Jo Nesbø which has Detective Harry Hole as the protagonist.
The British production company ''Working Title Films'' will be producing this movie. Even though the role is not yet awarded to Rebecca Fergusson, the chances of her bagging the deal are very high.
On Jan. 18, 2016 the principal photography of ''The Snowman'' started. The locations to be covered for this movie are Oslo and Bergen in Norway. So will this movie be able to create box-office success like the other hits by Rebecca Ferguson?
Watch this space for more news on the finalisation of cast for ''The Snowman.''