HEADLINES Published February17, 2016 By Annie Dee

IVF Babies Can Can Get Sick and Die Sooner, Biologist Says

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IVF babies
(Photo : Getty Images/Ulrich Baumgarten) Baby from the test tube, artificial insemination, Our picture shows a researchers looking at a baby doll in a test tube.

IVF or assisted reproduction may be considered medical breakthrough, but a doctor warned the consequences of this "experiment" is yet to materialize. The doctor warns that IVF babies are likely to die sooner and are at higher risk for several chronic diseases, ultimately becoming a "potential health time bomb"

According to Dr. Pascal Gagneux, an evolutionary biologist from the University of California, children born through IVF are more prone to getting diabetes and high blood pressure. They are likely to be at risk of premature death. The doctor said that all these are highly possible since IVF started off only as an "evolutionary experiment."

For the doctor, the negative consequences are yet going to manifest. It is highly possible that eventually, the world will be realizing that this is just a big health disaster. 

The doctor said that there are currently two studies that should already make people take notice of the dangers associated with IVF. The first one showed that mice conceived through IVF eventually developed severe health problems when they aged. The female mice got diabetes and high blood pressure. They also became obese. On the other hand, male mice experienced critical hormonal problems. 

The second study involved humans. Researchers took 100 children, both those conceived through IVF and conceived the natural way up a mountain 11,500 ft high. Tests on these kids showed that those conceived through IVF have weaker hearts compared to those conceived naturally. 

After Dr. Gagneux made his assertions, British fertility experts rejected them, saying he does not have enough evidence to support his warnings. 

Geoffrey Trew, an IVF consultant at London's Hammersmith Hospital criticized the doctor and his assertions for scaring parents without enough basis. "He's pulling together several hypothetical ideas that don't bear extrapolation to what he's saying - and unnecessarily worrying ... millions of parents," Trew said.

On the other hand, Fertility expert Professor Allan Pacey, of Sheffield University, claimed that even though there is still much to learn about IVF babies, current evidence showed that on the whole, IVF babies are as healthy as other babies conceived naturally. 

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