A probiotic dietary supplement that is marketed for infants and young children has been recalled after it was found to be contaminated with a fungus.
Solgar Inc. is voluntarily recalling its product, ABC Dophilus Powder. Samples of Dophilus Powder were found to contain Rhizopus oryzae, a fungus that can cause an infection called mucormycosis. Mucormycosis is very rare, but infants and people with weakened immune systems are susceptible if they have been exposed to Rhizopus oryzae.
The presence of the fungus in samples of Dophilus Powder was confirmed by tests conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Dophilus is mixture of probiotic bacteria. It is used to promote healthy digestion in infants and young children. There are several brands of dophilus powder, but only Solgar's product has been recalled. Solgar's ABC Dophilus was distributed throughout the United States, Israel and the United Kingdom, and could be purchased on-line. The product was made to be taken with a liquid or sprinkled on food.
A premature baby who was given ABC dophilus powder as a part of treatment in a hospital developed intestinal mucormycosis and died in October.
Mucormycosis infection can occur in different parts of the body, including the brain, pulmonary system, skin, and gastrointestinal tract. It most commonly affects the lungs and sinuses. Symptoms vary depending on the area of infection, but are generally accompanied by fever and tiredness. If it is left untreated, the infection can spread throughout the body. Mucormycosis can be caused by any one of several types of fungus that are usually found in soil or in decaying leaves, rotten wood, or compost piles.
The Food and Drug Administration has suspended the distribution of Solgar's ABC Dophilus Powder. The company is investigating where the contamination in the product came from. Consumers should stop using ABC Dophilus Powder immediately, and to report any adverse reactions to their doctor. They should also contact the FDA on-line at www.fda.gov/MedWatch/report.htm.