TRENDING Published February19, 2016 By Michael Deasis

NBA Rumors: Anderson Varejao To Golden State Warriors Possible Even As Cavaliers Are Winners Without Him

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Anderson Varejao
(Photo : Jason Miller | Getty Images Sport)

The NBA rumors continue even as the trade deadline has passed as the teams the buzz start to heat up on the waiver wire.

Anderson Varejao was one of the loyal players of the Cleveland Cavaliers but the team had to trade him in order to make an upgrade.

To be fair, his sacrifice was not for naught as the Cavs were declared trade deadline winners by CBS.

"Given that Varejao was out of the rotation, Cleveland is essentially getting Frye for nothing. That's a big move for a team that is looking to improve as the playoffs approach," CBS' James Herbert said.

However, that does not mean that no team is interested in the Brazilian forward-center. According to a report by Marc Stein of ESPN, Varejao might find himself on the opposing team's bench if and when a Finals rematch ensues, as the Golden State Warriors is one of the team's reportedly taking interest.

"Sources told that the Warriors are among the playoff teams, along with Oklahoma City, San Antonio and Dallas, currently investigating the prospect of signing Varejao, who is scheduled to clear waivers Sunday after his trade from Cleveland to Portland and subsequent release by the Trail Blazers," Stein wrote.

While this is welcome news, the Brazilian is not taking the decision lightly.

Stein continued. "Sources say Varejao, for his part, plans to take the weekend to clear his head before seriously thinking about his next destination. The Cavaliers are the only team Varejao has played for in his 12 NBA seasons, prompting the Brazilian to issue a warm thank you letter to Cavs fans Friday."

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