Michael Fassbender, the 38 year old multi-talented actor who is the heart throb of millions has bagged many big projects which will be released in 2016 and 2017. The fans want to know the future plans of this actor and he did reveal a bit about it.
''X-Men: Apocalypse'' where he plays the role of Erik Lehnsherr / Magneto is scheduled to be released on May. 27, 2016 in the US. Comicbook had revealed the cast and Jennifer Lawrence too will play the role of Raven Darkhölme / Mystique in this movie.
Deadline and Yahoo reported that ''Assassin's Creed'' will have Michael Fassbender as Callum Lynch and Aguilar. It is scheduled to be released in the US during the holiday season on Dec. 21, 2016 and is expected to do very well in the box office.
His upcoming movie ''The Snowman'' will see him as detective Harry Hole. Rebecca Ferguson (as Katrine Bratt) is the female lead in the movie and the movie is set to be released on Oct. 13, 2017 in the US. The filming of this movie is on right now.
With three big budget movies which will be released back to back, the fans want to know what's next for this talented stage and screen actor. ''Prometheus 2: Alien: Covenant'' is another project which is in the development stage where Fassbender is set to play the role of David. Deadline reported about the cast of this upcoming movie. Even in this movie Rebecca Ferguson is expected to play the female lead like the original movie ''Prometheus'' which was released in 2012.
There are talks of Fassbender signing up for the sequel of ''Assassin's Creed.'' So even before the original movie is released, the actor is in demand for the sequel. This talks about the popularity of this actor who has worked in both independent and blockbuster films.
So with so many movies queued up, will this actor have any time to relax and rejoice? What do the fans think? Please pen down your thoughts here.