Dentists are known to treat cavities and provide prophylaxis to maintain the pearly whites of patients. However, it has been important nowadays to maintain the body's health through proper oral care. In fact, in a recent study, almost two-thirds of dentists say that they refer a patient with periodontitis for diabetes evaluation. Hence, many diseases are linked with the condition of the parts of the mouth.
Dr. Steve Offenbacher, D.D.S., Director of the Center for Oral and Systemic Diseases at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "It's becoming clear that we need to consider integrating oral and general health care.The oral cavity is the mirror to the rest of the body, so we can pick up on systemic problems by simple dental examinations." Thus, they concluded that the state of the teeth, mouth and oral cavity as a whole can reflect and determine the condition of the whole body.
Like for instance, Dr. Offenbacher recalled a past case wherein he told a middle-aged patient that he suspects she is pregnant because of the redness and easy bleeding of the gums. After a week, the patient came back and confirmed she is indeed pregnant.
However, there is also bad news when it comes to the oral cavity and its link to the body's health. Diabetes is a very common lifestyle disease that can lead to many serious complications.
High blood sugar levels can damage the oral cavity just like the ones in sodas and candies. Hence, it causes many oral conditions such as dry mouth, plaque buildup and other dental problems.
Offenbacher added that some signs a person has diabetes are multiple abscesses in the gums and even bad breath due to the metabolic products derived if a person has diabetes like ketone bodies.
Another condition that can be detected through dental problems is heart disease. In a 2007 study, periodontal disease are more likely to cause heart diseases. According to Marjorie Jeffcoat, DMD, a professor and dean emeritus of dental medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, "If the periodontal disease is treated, the heart disease is greatly improved."
Inflammation is common symptom that can help dentists diagnose diseases through the mouth. If there is chronic inflammation, they would know that there is a systemic distress or condition in the body that needs immediate treatment. Dentists associate that inflammation and common dental problems can increase the risk for heart diseases and other severe conditions that can cause severe adverse complications in the long run.