When people are giving something to others, they are rewarded by a warm feeling and a sense of well-being. Well, those are not just thoughts or subjective insights because giving has many health benefits especially when these deeds are done all the time.
Initially, giving makes a person happy. Giving entails a happy and good feeling like when you would donate something for a cause. However, today, studies have associated the relationship between happiness and giving. According to a study by researchers from Harvard Business School in 2009, past evidence confirms the relationship between their own research and previous studies published. Their study shows that charitable giving and happiness is a cycle and giving indeed gives happiness to the one who gives.
The same researchers conducted an original experiment wherein they gave shoppers money to spend for themselves or on someone else. They were studied at the end of the day and found out that those who spent the money on others have better mood than those who had spent the money on themselves.
When someone is happy, he is healthier. There are negative health effects of depression and sadness but how about happiness? Recent study shows that in older people, happiness may be good for the heart. In the study, they studied 200 adults whom they followed for three years. They found out that happier people has lower blood pressure than those who were less happy. Also, men who were happier had lower heart rates which show a healthier heart.
Lastly, in a larger study, they studied people across many European countries. They ranked them in terms of happiness and hypertension. Countries with higher levels of happiness have lower blood pressure than those who are less happy.
Indeed, happiness can create many health benefits that will eventually lead to a healthy life and prevent many diseases that can be fatal and serious.