About 14% of constituents of a village in Cambodia have been infected with HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) that can lead to AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) which is a deadly disease. The panic prompted an investigation by Cambodian and international health officials.
The outbreak happened in the remote community Roka village in the western Battambang province. Those who tested positive for the virus ranged from children as young as three years old to the elderly as old as 82 years old. The infection may be caused by an unlicensed medical officer who treated the patients or medics re-using needles during treatment.
According to Xinhua news last Wednesday, 775 villagers were tested and 106 were confirmed positive for HIV. Health organizations such as the Ministry of Health of Cambodia, World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS arrived at the community to do proper investigation and review the alarming number of people infected with the deadly virus.
Health minister Mam Bunheng said in a statement, "I urge everyone to stay calm and avoid listening to or spreading rumours." Meanwhile, Cambodia Prime Minister Hun Den, said last Thursday, "Up to this hour, I still do not believe that such mass HIV infections could happen, it is unbelievable that 106 out of about 800 villagers were tested positive for HIV."
The health ministry confirmed that the outbreak was first detected in November when a 74-year old man has been tested positive at a local health center for HIV. After that, many of his relatives also tested positive for the virus.
About 30 village residents told the National AIDS Authority that they received injections for several diseases from typhoid to fever from an unlicensed local doctor. Seoum Chhron, deputy chief of Roka commune said that he suspects they got the virus from the doctor whom everyone went to whenever they need medical attention. He added that his wife and two grandchildren tested positive for the virus.
The doctor was identified as Yem Chren, who has left the community about a week ago with his wide. Health officials are trying to reach Chren since Sunday but were unsuccessful.