The much-anticipated Silicon Valley Season 2 Premiere will be gaining more followers as it has been reported that the second season will be featuring more female characters in a more powerful angle. Production has started with filming, according to reports.
According to Cynobs.com, the second season will feature a more in-depth storyline between Richard and Monica's budding romance, which leads to the possible disruption and conflist inside the Pied Piper incubator. It will also have Erlich change to someone who is less selfish and would support his colleagues better. We think this might affect the show's comedy, as Erlich's aggression and bad attitude often leads to some of the best comedy highlights of the first season. As to how the writers will make his character still funny, we have yet to find out. As for Jared, who is known to be the "corporate guy" of the team, in charge of the business strategies and basically everything that's involved with it, is set to become more of an out of control "lunatic", as he gets more and more stressed with the company, now getting bigger, where season 1 left us with their impending success.
According to Christian Post:
"The premiere season of HBO's "Silicon Valley" was a success as its initial eight-episode offering proved to be a hit as it got greenlighted for a second season after only three episodes.
During the first season, viewers were able to follow a dynamic group of characters as they tried to develop the next marketable string of code or groundbreaking software. Combine the five wildly different characters in one house with two eccentric rival millionaires that run competing tech companies, and HBO has a recipe for a show that is entertaining and utterly compelling with its unique portrayal of the tech industry.
Viewers find the show to be surprisingly relatable, as there's no need to be well-versed in computer programming to get the jokes. "Silicon Valley" speaks to the social media generation in a language that it can understand.
Show creator Mike Judge has undoubtedly hit the comedy jackpot again, and fans are now wondering when the show will premiere its second season, and whether the upcoming season will see an increase in the number of episodes."
To add to the Silicon Valley Season 2 premiere news, there have been rumors that the writers will be adding more female characters into the script, as Season 1 had a number of the female audience offended by the dynamics of the few female characters in that season. The only lead female character, Monica, who is viewed as an intelligent business woman, is viewed as a sex symbol only existing when lead character Richard needs support for his insecurities. The other female character which was featured briefly in season one is this clueless woman who doesn't know anything about coding and even relies on the male characters to help her out with her diemma. Apart from that, her character only does simple and somewhat "stupid" tasks like posting tweets on twitter for her cupcake app -- Cupcake app? Can it get more degrading than that?
What do you think, readers? Think this news about Silicon Valley Season 2 premiere is interesting? Sound off in the comments below!