A recent study found out that water resources where United States get its drinking water are contaminated by unregulated contaminants.
In an unpublished study by federal scientists, they found out from a national sampling that one third of United States water facilities are contaminated. Traces of excreted drugs were reported like antidepressants, metal, antibacterial compound, caffeine, perfluorinated compounds, solvent and herbicide. In the three-year study, they found more than 200 unregulated chemicals from the tap water from 45 states.
The United States Environmental Protection Agency and United States Geological Survey tested samples of treated and untreated water from water facilities. The contaminants found, however, are at a minimal level. According to Dana Kolpin, a research hydrologist, the contaminants are at a very minimal level but they are concerned on the long term consequence of exposure to low levels of the contaminants.
The pollutants and contaminants derived from the test are from daily happenings in the country such as agriculture, consumer products, factories and waste products. Sometimes, lands surrounding water resources should be regulated too.
Subsequently, Jane Houlihan, Environmental Working Group's senior vice president for research said that the facilities are doing their best to treat water they face the predicament of lack of resources. However, he reiterated that they can do better.
Based on the study by the EWG, there should be new policies regarding drinking water in the country through regulation of contaminants and spending more funds to prevent pollution of water reservoirs.
Allotting more funds on the conservation of water resources is the aim of all these groups. Expanding the facilities' capability to test and regulate water can help alleviate the contaminants that reach each citizen's home.
In related news, the same study was conducted in Ontario, Canada and they discovered unregulated contaminants too. Hence, further studies from other countries should be conducted to determine the severity of this condition.