The last thing you'll probably read in a health website is something about Isis, but interestingly Ebola and Isis have already met.
One of the newspapers in Iraq called Al-Sabah reported that some of the notorious fighters have been diagnosed with the deadly virus and are now being treated in a hospital in Mosul, which is located more than 200 miles from Baghdad. Aside from Ebola, the fighters are also being managed with HIV infection.
As to where they obtained these viruses, many speculated that they may have been infected by those who came from Africa. The continent still has one of the highest rates of HIV, and West Africa continue to be ravaged by Ebola, which has already killed more than 7,000 people with over 15,000 cases since early this year.
Places of Iraq including Mosul are believed to not have the necessary tools or processes to detect the virus, let alone treat it.
The news is received with mixed reactions. While some consider this as good news considering that Isis is currently one of the most dangerous terrorist organizations in the world, others are concerned that they may use these supposed infected people for bio warfare.
Last October 2014, Spain's security chief Francisco Martinez reveals a plot wherein Isis is planning to kill Western people with needles laden with poison and Ebola.
Nevertheless, the World Health Organization is trying to encourage everyone not to immediately believe the reports. Rather, the organization is conducting its own investigation about the matter.
However, there's one problem: it may be difficult to obtain the needed data for analysis for a number of reasons. First, the newspaper that published it is pro government. Second, workers from the United Nations, an organization where WHO is part of, is currently banned from entering and setting up missions in areas that are controlled by Isis. Thus, the one thing WHO can do right now is to reach out to the officials in these controlled areas.