A new patient suspected to have Ebola have been under monitoring at a Denver Hospital following recent travels to countries that were severely ravaged by the deadly virus. However, health officials announced on Monday that the patient tested negative for the disease despite an initial complaint of fever.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment reiterated that the man was tested out of "an abundance of caution" since he had recent travels to places with history of Ebola infection. The patient's name was not released for privacy and protection purposes. Apparently, he was transferred by ambulance to the biocontainment unit of Denver Health Medical Center on Sunday.
The federal and state health officials did not think that the person has Ebola but since his disease is still not determined and diagnosed, they tested for Ebola because of his history of travel to West Africa.
The patient's condition has not deteriorated not like Ebola patients whose condition will most likely worsen over time. In spite the findings, he will continue to be hospitalized for further observation at the Denver Health Medical Center's isolation unit. He will be tested again for Ebola after a few days since it can take up to three days for the symptoms to reach detectable levels.
"It still represents a very, very low risk for Ebola. But it's an evolving situation, " CDPHE director Larry Wolk told The Denver Post.
Meanwhile, Dr. Connie Price, Denver Health's chief of infectious diseases said, "We are taking all the necessary precautions to protect both our patients and staff, even though the infection with the virus is not confirmed. We have staff trained specifically to assist with patients who may have contracted the Ebola virus."
The World Health Organization released its latest weekly data that shows the Ebola outbreak has killed 8,235 people mostly in West Africa. Total cases amount to 20,747 around the world but majority of the cases can be found in the three worst-stricken countries in West Africa namely Liberia, Sierra Leone and Guinea.