The first case of a man with Ebola virus in the United States was reported in Dallas, Texas. However, the health officials in the said hospital where he was rushed to, admitted they failed to isolate the patient immediately. They failed to properly diagnose the patient leading to possible transmission of the virus to other people.
The man was from Liberia and when he went to the United States, he lied when he filled up the health form they give out in the airport. He said he did not have any contact with anyone with the virus in Liberia. The Liberian government is planning to prosecute the man on grounds of lying to the government and putting other people at risk for having the disease.
The Texas State Health Department had identified at least 100 possible contact of the man during his stay in the country. However, they are expecting the number to decrease as they investigate who are at most risk for infection due to the duration and type of contact they had.
Health officials admitted they failed to properly diagnose the patient. They also failed to isolate the man on the event he went for a consultation when his first symptoms appeared. He came to Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital in Dallas at the evening of September 25, 2014.
He had low grade fever and stomach ache and was given antibiotics but was sent home. This was done even after he mentioned he traveled to the United States from West Africa. Knowing the outbreak happening, the nurse and doctor failed to take into consideration his recent travel from a high-risk country.
The man returned home for two days before being brought to the hospital via an ambulance on Sunday. Before being taken to the ambulance, neighbors said they saw the man vomiting outside the apartment and even in the ambulance.
The virus can be transmitted through body fluids. The officials said the ambulance was cleaned and was used for another two days before putting it in quarantine. Persons who were in close contact with the patient was placed in isolation and was advised not to have visitors for 21 days.