There's definitely a growing threat of dengue fever and Chikungunya, which used to be so common in the tropics. The problem is there's no known cure for both, and Chikungunya is harder to treat since it's very rare. Thus, a company tries to take the matters in their hands and created genetically modified mosquitoes.
Oxitec is a biotech company that has produced genetically modified mosquitoes. They are not far too different from the males mosquitoes in the wild except that they prevent their female counterparts, which are the carriers of these viruses, to procreate. Simply put, these GM mosquitoes can significantly reduce the population of virus-carrying types.
While the idea is revolutionary and the goal noble, many are wary about it for one reason: they are about to be released-millions of them-in the wild, starting in Florida Keys.
The issue of anything genetically modified has always been a popular source of debate among organizations and individuals, and between opponents and the government. Genetically modified food, for example, has been considered to be bad for the health since it may not contain the same level of nutrients as real food. Moreover, since it's been modified, it may also have a negative impact on the cellular level.
Nevertheless, for those who are trying to fight these viruses, their options are becoming scarce. The spread has been quite fast due to climate change and the ease of transport, among others. Although some companies have been working on a vaccine for dengue, it may not be released anytime soon. Moreover, the virus-carrying female mosquitoes have also developed resistance against 4 of the most commonly used insecticides.
The plan is still subject for approval, so if you wish to oppose this, just look for a petition in Change.org. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) also assured the public that they wouldn't allow any kind of field test until they have obtained all the important information and have reviewed them.