Mental health is a very important topic nowadays. Many experts are linking diet and nutrition to mental health integrity and it is important to reiterate this association. A new study published in the journal The Lancet Psychiatry attest to the undeniable important link between these factors.
Researchers from the University of Melbourne have shown evidence regarding the relationship between diet, nutrition and mental health. The new collaborative study has revealed that potential nutritional deficiencies can lead to decline in mental health integrity.
Lead author, Dr. Jerome Sarris, member of the International Society for Nutritional Psychiatry Research (ISNPR) and hails from the University of Melbourne, said that Psychiatry is in a critical state. "While the determinants of mental health are complex, the emerging and compelling evidence for nutrition as a key factor in the high prevalence and incidence of mental disorders suggests that nutrition is as important to psychiatry as it is to cardiology, endocrinology, and gastroenterology."
"In the last few years, significant links have been established between nutritional quality and mental health. Scientifically rigorous studies have made important contributions to our understanding of the role of nutrition in mental health," he added.
They discovered that when people practice healthy eating and promote the quality of diet, it can help in the treatment methods for mental disorders. They added that aside from dietary improvement, nutrient-based prescription can assist in the management of these diseases. In fact, researches and studies show that many vitamins and nutrients are associated with mental and brain health.
Omega-3 is vital in the treatment of psychiatric disorders. In a study in 2005 showed that the two main omega-3 fatty acids in fish oil, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) have important biological functions in the Central Nervous System. They learned that Omega-3 can help in the treatment of disorders like borderline personality disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Other important supplements needed for promoting brain health are folic acid, Vitamin B12, choline, iron, magnesium, Vitamin D and even amino acids as reported by Science Daily.
Aside from that, Associate Professor Felice Jacka, a Principal Research Fellow from Deakin University and president of the ISNPR emphasized that many studies have shown links between healthy dietary practices and a reduced risk for depression and suicide rates in certain age groups.
Hence, they are recommending that physicians and therapists add nutritional habits to the treatment plans of their patients.